Going back thousands of years, caviar has been considered a magical elixir of sorts, due to its healing properties. At Pearl Street, we dug into the facts behind the mysticism, under the guidance of our resident dietitian, Dr. Chinara Tate, PhD. In an original white paper, Dr. Tate collected her findings from a nutritional study of our caviar after analysis by an independent laboratory. Key findings and nutritional facts about Pearl Street Caviar include:

1 - Sturgeon caviar is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and key vitamins which may help alleviate symptoms of depression and bipolar disorder. In fact, even prior to rigorous scientific study, it was historically prescribed to alleviate symptoms of depression.
2 - Caviar’s exceptionally high omega-3 fatty acids content exceeds that of Sockeye and Coho salmon, but without high levels of mercury and heavy metal contaminants that may reduce Omega-3s cognitive benefit.
3 - While a 4:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids has previously been associated with a 70% decrease in mortality, the typical Western diet has a ratio between 10:1 and 25:1. Consumed regularly and in moderation, caviar can help restore omega-6 to omega-3 balance. Notably, Pearl Street Caviar’s Keluga has a ratio of 1:23 (one part omega-6s to 23 parts omega-3s).
4 - As a whole food, Pearl Street Caviar's nutrients are highly bioavailable. Overlapping benefits may enable nutrients to work synergistically and thus more effectively than in isolation.
5 - Caviar is considered a good source of both sodium and phosphorus and contains trace amounts of other key electrolytes including potassium and magnesium, making it beneficial for recovery after strenuous exercise.
6 - Pearl Street Caviar, in particular, is especially high in vitamin D with nearly 6x that of the USDA database average for caviar.
7 - While Pearl Street Caviar only contains trace amounts of zinc, it contains more than double the amount observed in the USDA database average for caviar.