Caviar Bumps.

If you hear a ringing in your ear from these words: frosè, aperol spritz, and espresso martini….you may be entitled to financial compensation or at least verified badge on Instagram for your past accolades on sharing your affinity to summer trends. You may think eating caviar costs $1200 at Nikki beach (insert location that begins with your first initial here) but actually it doesn’t have to be a ‘pricey delicacy’.
Sometimes, and more often times than we'd like, caviar is confused with the food delivery service and is looked at as a delicacy. But caviar is a legitimate food. Under careful guidance of our resident nutritionist, Dr. Chinara Tate, Pearl Street Caviar is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, electrolytes, B-12, and 6 times more vitamin D than USDA caviar.
Compounded with criticisms about the cringe of excess, extravagance and this emoji 🤮 from the mention of ‘fish-eggs’- we’re letting you know there is no wrong way to eat caviar. Also, the place and time to eat caviar is up to you! Because food should be eaten how you like it.
‘Reasonably priced’ caviar sounds like something your favorite aunt with an executive COSTCO membership would say. No shade to our favorite bundle store but we want to make caviar approachable so yes our price points are for first-timers and veterans alike.
Pearl Street Caviar sturgeon caviars are from sustainable farms. Pearl Street sources all of our caviars from farms (wild sturgeon is ILLEGAL in USA as of 2007). We work exclusively with farms that are located on natural waterways with high water flow.
Once the product is received directly from the farm, our team of three caviar specialists nurture, turn, and age the caviar so that it has the optimal flavor, maturity, and presentation for our partners. When an order is received, we then pack the tins and send as desired from our warehouse in Brooklyn, New York.
Caviar bumps are New York Times endorsed but for those that haven’t read the article because of the paywall…we’re confirming that yes, caviar bumps have been a thing and although trendy this summer we like an all-season approach to eating caviar.