Recipes ·
Homemade Butter with Radishes & Caviar
By Mary Pope
- 1 Quart Heavy Cream
- Course Sea Salt
- Fine Sea Salt
- Ice Water
- Assorted Radishes
- Endive leaves
- Pearl Street Ossetra Caviar
- Add heavy cream and about ½ tsp. fine sea salt to a food processor. Mix on medium / high for about 4 – 5 minutes. Milk liquids and solids / butter will separate completely. Strain all the liquid and place the solid butter into ice water. Squeeze the butter, rinse and repeat a few times until the ice water is clear. Place the butter in a container and refrigerate about an hour to firm up.
- Arrange sliced assorted radishes, and whole endive leaves, on a platter with the cold butter. Add sprinkles of the course Sea Salt around the plate.
- Add heaping spoons of Pearl Street Ossetra caviar around the radishes and endive leaves